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Tondaya Nishijin Lifestyle Museum

About six kilometers north of JR Kyoto Station in the Nishijin district to the west of Kyoto Gyoen, is the Tondaya Nishijin Lifestyle Museum. It is a place for visitors to experience traditional Japanese culture and the daily life of Kyoto’s former merchant class. As Japan’s capital for more than 1,200 years, Kyoto is a treasure trove of traditional culture passed down over hundreds of years, including annual events, customs, and ways of life.

The Tondaya was originally a merchant house that belonged to the Tondaya family and has a history going back to the Edo period (1603-1868). The current building was erected in 1885, and its grounds contain six gardens, a tea house, and an annex for performing Noh plays. It is an exceptional example of Japanese architecture from the late 19th century, containing many precious items of furniture and other exhibits. In 1999, the building was designated a Tangible Cultural Property by the Japanese government, and then in 2007, it was registered as a Structure of Landscape Importance by Kyoto City.

Today, the Tondaya houses the Nishijin Lifestyle Museum, which seeks to raise awareness of and educate people about traditional Kyoto ways of life. It also offers various traditional cultural experiences, such as tea ceremonies, Japanese calligraphy, and origami. The Tondaya merchant house was a kimono wholesaler, and the museum possesses a rich array of luxury kimonos that visitors can try on.

It also offers traditional “ozashiki” parties, at which maiko perform, and unforgettable Kyoto-style lunches and dinners. The museum explains how traditional interior decoration in Kyoto changes with the seasons, showcases the “machiya” townhouse way of life, and introduces diverse customs and seasonal events.

The Tondaya Nishijin Lifestyle Museum offers a first-hand experience of traditional Japanese culture. Cultural experiences are by reservation, which can be made via a form on the Tondaya website.

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Tondaya Nishijin Lifestyle Museum

697 Ishiyakushi-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, KYOTO

Telephone Number
+81-075-432-6701 *Available by Appointment Only

Official site




Start time: 11:00, 13:00, 15:00 *Dinner only 18:00

E-mail: info@tondaya.co.jp