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The mission of JAPANESE KNIFE SHOP HIRAI is to introduce the world to the wonders of Japanese kitchen knives. Owner Hirai Tatsunari took up a job at a tech company after graduating from university. On a visit to Kyoto, however, he happened upon a Japanese kitchen knife shop and was struck by the beauty and precision of the blades. This chance encounter was a pivotal moment in his life. He resigned from the tech company and apprenticed himself at a knife shop in Sakai, an area of Osaka renowned for exquisitely crafted knives.

Sakai has been the heart of the cutlery industry in Japan for over 600 years, and it is here that Hirai mastered the sophisticated techniques needed to produce keen edges and sturdy handles. Working with highly skilled bladesmiths, he learned the time-honored techniques of Japanese knife-making and internalized the spirit of craftsmanship upon which they are founded. During this formative period, he honed his skills, eventually establishing his own style of knife-making and starting his own business.

Blades forged and sharpened following age-old Sakai traditions are known as “Sakai Uchihamono.” Their appeal lies in the distinctive production process used to make them. Each blade is crafted by multiple artisans, such as blacksmiths and bladesmiths. This division of labor ensures superb quality, as each craftsman devotes themselves to a single aspect of the process and applies their own supreme expertise. Moreover, since Sakai Uchihamono are handmade, no two knives are exactly the same.

In line with the mission of JAPANESE KNIFE SHOP HIRAI to share the wonders of Japanese kitchen knives, Hirai runs workshops at which participants can try their hand at attaching knife handles and sharpening blades. The goal is not merely to sell knives; it is to familiarize people with the extreme sharpness of Japanese kitchen knives, introduce the sophisticated techniques used to make them, and let participants experience firsthand what it is like to work as an artisan. Participants can select from three types of knives and experience every phase of the crafting process, from sharpening to attaching the handle, as they create their very own knives.

To buy a knife, visitors can select a blade, and then Hirai or another experienced staff member will attach a handle on the spot: a demonstration of artisanal skill in action. Moreover, the vast number of possible blade and handle combinations means shoppers can create their very own one-of-a-kind Japanese knife.

The workshops held at JAPANESE KNIFE SHOP HIRAI introduce people from around the world to the beauty, craftsmanship, and practicality of Japanese kitchen knives. Meanwhile, the passion and skill on display are surely powerful tools to preserve and pass on the traditions of Sakai Uchihamono long into the future.

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244, Shikibu-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Pref.

Telephone Number

Official site


Opening Hours: 10:30-19:30

Closed: Open all year round