Based in the mountain town of Takayama in Gifu Prefecture, the Hirata Sake Brewery has been making sake since 1895. The brewery’s philosophy is that “sake should be brewed the same way you would raise a child: sometimes with strictness, sometimes with gentleness and love.” The brewery produces sake with a determined focus on freshness and quality, an approach that has won accolades at home and abroad.
The brewery’s most internationally renowned sake is SUIO, a koshu (aged sake) produced in 1994. This super-premium sake is characterized by its golden hue and well-rounded, mellow taste. In 2014, the brewery entered SUIO into the prestigious International Wine Challenge (IWC) in London, where it bested over 700 other brands to take first prize in the sake category. Currently, a 720ml bottle of SUIO can be purchased for 198,000 yen. Another award-winning product is “Shoryu no Mai,” a fruity sake made from isehikari “miracle rice” from the sacred place “Ise”, that is perfect for drinking with meals.
As the Hirata Sake Brewery brews only in small batches, its sake is not generally sold by sake shops in Japan. However, it is available for purchase on the brewery’s online shop, at the brewery itself, and through select retailers.
43 Kaminino-machi, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture
Telephone Number
Official Site
Web Shop
Business Hours 10:00-17:00
Closed Dec. 31, Jan. 1 and Other Non-scheduled holiday